
  • Preparing Land For Building Construction

    Was your backyard guesthouse project placed on hold when construction workers discovered that there is too much groundwater to move forward? If groundwater is causing the soil to be too unstable for the foundation to the guesthouse to be constructed, there is still hope. You will basically have to come up with a way to get rid of the groundwater, which can be done with help from professionals. Contact a dewatering company, such as Hydrograss Technologies, to get assistance with the problem so your construction project can move forward. [Read More]

  • Add Visual Layers For The Perfect Lawn Or Garden

    Working on the gardening or landscaping plan of your property can be a daunting task. When you give a kick start to your brand new exterior design project, you might find yourself lost not knowing from where to start. A landscaping project is made easy by breaking it down into smaller components. So, the best approach is to think about the landscaping or gardening choice in terms of layers. Adding visual layers to your garden is the perfect way to achieve appeal. [Read More]

  • Three Things To Know About Removing Trees From Your Property

    Having a tree removed from your property will always be a major task. It can be normal for a homeowner to feel somewhat uncomfortable with this type of project if they have never had a tree cut down. If you are currently facing the need to have this done for the first time, you should closely review the basics about tree removal projects so that you can be better prepared for undertaking this type of property improvement. [Read More]

  • 5 Easy Ways Bulbs Can Help Your Yard Blossom

    Flower bulbs add lots of color to your yard with minimal work. As a perennial plant, they come back year after year and require little maintenance to keep them looking great. If you're thinking about adding bulbs to your landscape design, here are 5 of the best ways to use them. Color Your Lawn. Bulbs often have different blooming schedules than other parts of the yard. This makes them ideal to add early spring color to an otherwise dreary off-season landscape. [Read More]

  • Learn How A Landscaper Can Help You Start A Fruit Grove In Your Backyard

    Fruit trees can be a great addition to any yard. They provide you with the ability to enjoy fresh fruit whenever you choose and have a beautiful tree growing in your yard at the same time. Use the guide that follows to learn a few reasons why you should hire professional landscapers to help you with your fruit grove. Determine Which Trees Thrive in the Area Where You Live The first thing that will need to be done is you will need to choose which trees you want to grow. [Read More]

  • When It Is Time To Call For Professional Landscape Services?

    Having a great looking, well-landscaped yard takes a lot of work and determination. Even if you have grown many gardens over the years, you may come across something that should be left to the professionals. Take the time to plan what it is that you want. You should visit a few garden centers and parks for this. Look at the trees, bushes, and flowers as well as any water features, lighting, and decorations. [Read More]

  • 3 Custom Landscape Features To Consider If You Plan To Age At Home

    You have retired and are looking ahead at your golden years. If you are like the majority of retirees who are etching toward their golden years, you will prefer the idea of aging at home over giving up your private property and moving into a retirement community or in with relatives. While aging at home is the preference, it can also take some changes around the house so that the property better caters to your changing needs as a senior citizen. [Read More]

  • Tips To Give Your Lawn More Pizzazz

    You've spent all season manicuring your lawn just right: the grass is the perfect length, your white picket fence is flawless, and your water feature has your neighbors filled with envy... but something's missing. Don't fret, this article's got you covered! Here are 5 tips to give your lawn the pizzazz it deserves: 1. Paint. That's Right, Paint Your Lawn What? Though this tip seems like an environmental disaster waiting to happen, there are now environmentally friendly sprays that will keep your lawn green all year 'round. [Read More]

  • Are Your Sprinklers Efficient?

    On average, watering your lawn and other landscaping costs comprises of half of your water bill. With the high cost of water and droughts all over the country, you'll want to make sure that your sprinklers are running as efficiently as possible. If they aren't, not only is this bad for the environment and your wallet, but you could end up with patchy grass where some areas are getting more water than others. [Read More]

  • Retaining Walls: Tips For Preventing Garden Erosion

    If you are planning to plant your garden, avoid leaving the soil exposed. The soil can be easily eroded.  To prevent your plants, seeds, and soil from being blown away by wind or washed away by rain, retaining walls can help. Not sure if you need a retaining wall?  Then, check for signs of erosion in your garden.  These may include: exposed roots soil splashing on your plants [Read More]