5 Easy Ways Bulbs Can Help Your Yard Blossom
Posted on: 2 November 2017
Flower bulbs add lots of color to your yard with minimal work. As a perennial plant, they come back year after year and require little maintenance to keep them looking great.
If you're thinking about adding bulbs to your landscape design, here are 5 of the best ways to use them.
Color Your Lawn. Bulbs often have different blooming schedules than other parts of the yard. This makes them ideal to add early spring color to an otherwise dreary off-season landscape. Look for varieties that will bloom and finish before your lawn really gets growing. Such types often include snowdrops, snow Crocus, and Siberian quill. These bulbs will mostly die back before you need to mow, and they will hide in the ground until next spring.
Plant Containers. Containers of colorful bulbs can brighten up any hardscape element and provide brilliance to sections of the yard that are in need. Choose some bright containers that match the fun of the particular bulbs, and use them to give specific color to problem landscape areas. They can also give an instant makeover to patios, porches, walkways, and outdoor buildings.
Use the Sun. Most bulbs thrive in full sunlight so they can be a great solution to problem landscape areas where other plants can't survive. Look for sunny, dry, and quickly-draining areas in the yard and use these low-maintenance feature to save yourself time and money.
Create Texture. Because bulbs come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and heights, they're perfect for adding interest and depth to any yard. Plant taller bulbs, such as daffodils, lilies, and irises, in the back and fill in the front spaces with smaller, fuller ones (like snow glories or scilla) in front. Or play with soft and harsher textureslike graceful iris paired with fat crocus—to make the garden more visually arresting.
Add Quick Color. Bulbs are an easy starter element for new gardeners and new yards. They're hardy and simple to plant and maintain, and they are likely to come back stronger next year and multiply between seasons. New homeowners looking for a quick landscape boost or those trying to sell an existing home both benefit from the speedy beauty that bulbs can provide.
Bulbs are an integral part of a well-rounded yard, and they can solve a number of landscape design challenges homeowners face. Why not plant a few today so you can look forward to reaping beautiful rewards in the spring?