Are Your Sprinklers Efficient?
Posted on: 27 October 2017
On average, watering your lawn and other landscaping costs comprises of half of your water bill. With the high cost of water and droughts all over the country, you'll want to make sure that your sprinklers are running as efficiently as possible. If they aren't, not only is this bad for the environment and your wallet, but you could end up with patchy grass where some areas are getting more water than others. If that problem is allowed to persist, you might even have to replace parts of your lawn. Here are a few tips to make sure your sprinklers are running efficiently:
Tailor to Your Soil
Not all kinds of soil need the same amount of water. Finer soils, like clay, need the least amount of water, while grainier soils like sand, need the most. Talk to your sprinkler repair service or contact a local government agency to find out what kind of soil you have and how long you should water it for. Tailoring your watering schedule to your soil could save you big if you've been overwatering.
Test Your Output
In reality, most of us probably have no idea how much water our sprinklers are putting out. If you don't know how much water your sprinklers are emptying into your lawn, not only might you be overwatering, but you could be paying way more than necessary on your water bill.
Examine Your Sprinklers
Once we turn the sprinklers on, we usually run inside and if you live in a hot climate, you probably only have your sprinklers on at night anyway. This means that we may not notice potential problems for weeks at a time. Examine all of your sprinkler heads one day, while they're running so you can see if there are any problems. If one of your sprinklers is gushing rather than spraying, not only is it ineffective, but it could be costing you money, so be sure to have it repaired immediately.
Check for Pooling
Again, if you water at night, pooling is an issue you may never notice. Pooling occurs when water runs off from your lawn into the sidewalk or driveway. This indicates that your soil is saturated, so you are either overwatering or need to water more frequently for shorter periods of time. If you notice that your neighbor's sprinklers are causing pooling, be sure to let them know.
Contact a company like Arbor Landscape and Sprinklers for more information and assistance.